Befriend Your Internal Family of Planets
One System, Many Parts
A "system" is defined as "any entity whose parts relate to one another in a pattern." As it is, the universe has one comprehensive coordinating system — the same forces that organize galaxies and atoms also define your psyche.
Like your body, your mind is a whole organism composed of many parts. This is healthy, natural, as it should be. And! as with any complex system, the turbulence of merely existing sometimes jars certain parts out of place, disrupting the smooth functioning of the whole.
The basic goal of Internal Family Solar Systems is to identify all the vital parts and help them Self-organize into harmonious, functional relationships with one another.
No Bad Planets
Every planet is a divine archetype representing a unique niche of creation. The ancient texts say that the planets exist "to bestow upon all living beings the fruits of their karma, defeat the demons and restore righteousness."
However, as you know from life experience, to experience "the fruits of your karma" is not always a pleasant experience, and can easily be confused for punishment.
Just so with your internal family. There are no bad parts! Each part intends something positive for the system. However, the strategies these parts (or planets) use enact that positive intent often has harmful impact.
The practice of IFSS is to negotiate with these parts and offer them the opportunity to perform their preferred role.

The Internal Family Solar Systems process includes:
Six 1:1 Sessions
Audio + Video + Transcript
Personalized Guidance + Recommendations
Community Support
The Offer
As with many adventures, this one begins with commitment in the form of a financial investment.
Below, you'll see two options: all-at-once or monthly installments. I trust you to choose the best option for you.
For more information about how The Church of Cymatics operates and the membership agreements for the Inner Physics Forum, please review The Fine Print.
When you sign up for the IFSS process, you also get:
- The Holistic Mental Health Starter Kit ($197 value), full of simple, impactful practices that will help you self-regulate and nourish yourself in any state.
Take a step towards ease, compassion and wisdom.
If you haven't already, I encourage you to sign up for the Inner Physics Starter Kit.
This FREE introductory mini-course gives you:
Direct techniques to awaken the wisdom living latent within you.
Instantly applicable tools to soften your internal tone and improve your external relationships.
The skills to identify and befriend the many Parts that make up your specific psychological system.
Specific vocabulary to describe deep feelings, name valid needs and make skillful requests.
Accurate archetypal maps to help you navigate your constellation of Parts and get to the center of gravity that is your authentic Self.
The Starter Kit includes:
- An hour-long introduction to the core principles and practical applications of Internal Family Solar Systems.
- The Multi Dimensional Essentials mini-course — a six-hour masterclass in metaphysics broken down into bite-size videos exploring the nature of Nature and explaining how the subtle stuff of consciousness densifies into material reality. This is the math and science behind why IFSS is such a powerful modality.
- Access to the Inner Physics Forum — a collective of seekers and Self-healers sharing support, accountability and camaraderie, plus monthly live Q&A with Veda Dave.