Heal Your
Whole Self.
Welcome to the World of Inner Physics
Inner Physics offers access to direct perception of the fact that you are inextricably interwoven within the web of all beings.
Are you:
- Feeling disconnected from Nature and your true nature?
- Grappling with a vicious inner critic?
- Caught in a repeating loop of relationship patterns?
- Confounded by consistent miscommunications?
- Ready to finally befriend every part of yourself and decode the subtle secrets of your psyche?
Take a Step Towards
Ease, Compassion & Wisdom
In the Inner Physics Starter Kit, you get:
- Direct techniques to awaken the wisdom living latent within.
- Instantly applicable tools to soften your internal tone and improve your external relationships.
- The skills to identify and befriend the many Parts that make up your unique psychological system.
- Specific vocabulary to describe deep feelings, name valid needs and make skillful requests.
- Accurate archetypal maps to help you navigate your constellation of Parts and get to the center of gravity that is your authentic Self.
If you are...
...committed to a path of personal growth...
...interested in enhancing your emotional intelligence...
...eager to deepen and expand your Self-awareness...
...ready to refine or redefine significant relationships...
...called to connect with the cosmic wisdom
that wants to be embodied through you...
...then the Inner Physics Starter Kit will be of tremendous value to you...
(even though it's free).

The Starter Kit includes:
An hour-long introduction to the core principles and practical applications of Internal Family Solar Systems.
The Multi Dimensional Essentials mini-course — a six-hour masterclass in metaphysics broken down into bite-size videos exploring the nature of Nature and explaining how the subtle stuff of consciousness densifies into material reality. This is the math and science behind why IFSS is such a powerful modality.
Access to the Inner Physics Forum — a collective of seekers and Self-healers sharing support, accountability and camaraderie, plus monthly live Q&A with Veda Dave.
Get Started
Decode the Energetic Signature of Any Given Day
Vedic Astrology provides powerful tools to help you decide what to do when. This calculator empowers you to understand the elemental qualities of each day in order to align your nature with the natural flow of time and choose your next moves with calm, clarity and confidence.
Calculate the Vedic Day
Hi, my name is Dave.
Folks know me as Veda Dave because I have devoted my adult life to the art and science of Yoga, Āyurveda and Vedic Astrology.
Originally, I sought out these timeless wisdom traditions in response to lifelong adventures with my own mental health.
This search has taken me around the world to ashrams, permaculture communities, art & music festivals and (maybe one too many) plant medicine ceremonies.
I have wandered many days in the wilderness to fast, mourn and pray. My incessant longing for personal & planetary peace, joy & freedom has driven me deep down within my wild psyche, into that mysterious abyss which mirrors the infinitude of outer space.
Returning to the middle world of material reality, I have brought a few gifts with me — gifts which I am honored and eager to share.

Here are a few of the gifts I want to share...

1:1 Counseling
Whether it's a one-time Vedic Astrology session, an Āyurvedic healing process or a deep dive into your Internal Family Solar System, let's explore the map of your journey and choose wise next steps on the best possible path.

Self-Paced Courses
There is an ever-growing catalog of courses ready whenever you are. Topics include Dreamcraft, Time Management, Holistic Mental Health and Somatic Imagination Practice (the best 21-day meditation course ever!).

The Cymatic Ministry
A training program for therapists, coaches, counselors, etc., who are ready for new clinical tools, Self-healing techniques and ethical economic practices so they can better serve others and be the skilled healers we all need.
Folks who work with me say...
Sierra (Ayurvedic Practitioner)
Garrett (LMFT)
Austin (Fitness/Nutrition Coach)
Michael P. (Founder, Zen Den)
Kelsey (Mom, E-RYT500)
Michael S. (Tech Whiz)
Heather B. (Ayurvedic Pro, Community Leader)
Song of Two Worlds
poem by physicist Alan Lightman,
art by Derek Dominic D'souza.
Once upon a time,
In a place far far away,
The darkness drifted.
The darkness knew no time.
Reaching for infinity, only knowing beyond.
One day in the web of inky forever, it asked itself, can I see you?
It waited, and waited, and then, answered, a star.
And then another, and another, and, another.
Another was where it began,
and as the star beings asked to be born to meet the darkness from which they came, one particular planet created water so it too could reflect the stars back to themselves.
The stars seeing their reflection were filled with joy and delight.
Curiosity was born in their light millions of years away.
One by one they made their way down, to touch the ocean, to see themselves.
The soil darkness watched with awe as the stars arrived,
A heart’s desire asked: Can I see you closer?
The water stars stretched onto the soil, and mixed into the clay, and became,
Yes you too, coyote who hears this, wise owl, mouse and rabbit, you too sleeping fawn, you too tree and root and seed, you too nested flight, and you too, sitting two legged.
Mixed from clay and star, flesh and life, a hollow canal opened so breath too could reach back to the darkness.
Missing the beginning, it exhaled a bridge, home.
The star water became everything we know, and you?
The story of us?
Well, to experience the closest thing to the very beginning of star meeting water, we learned to create a small ocean inside of us, where it could all be felt, all over again.
Once upon a time, in a place far far away, the darkness drifted, and you drifted inside it.
You were the wish you once wished for.

The Church
of Cymatics
This website, and everything offered here, is an expression of The Church of Cymatics, a faith-based organization devoted to collective evolution through conscious cultivation of personal and planetary harmony.
Click Here to Learn More about the Church