Get invidualized guidance for Self-healing, inner harmony, soul-purpose, ceremonial design or to boost your holistic business.
Or a little bit of all of the above!
See the Stars. Know the Map. Walk the Path.
Vedic Astrology provides a detailed map of your life path. You arrived on Earth with a unique trajectory and karmic momentum. Your chart validates your innate superpowers, shines a light on pesky blind spots and illuminates opportunities for soul-level evolution.
I've been studying jyotish since 2009, in professional practice since 2016 and have helped hundreds of humans see themselves more clearly. If you're in transition, stuck in a rut or ready for your next step, it's a wise time to Consult the Cosmos.
What you get:
- At least an hour of me studying your charts in preparation for our session.Â
- 60-minute Zoom session, with the option to extend up to two hours.
- Access to your complete Vedic charts
- Audio and Video recordings
- Detailed analysis of timing cycles and area(s) of life you want to explore with interactive counseling and Q&A.
- Personalized invitations and precise remedies to heal karmic wounds and activate latent potentials.
- Access to a community of seekers for support, accountability and live Q&A sessions with Veda Dave.
- BONUS: Holistic Mental Health Starter Kit ($197 value)
There are five ways to Consult the Cosmos:
- Consult the Cosmos — 60-minute, one-time individualized session addressing whatever you want. Click the box above to book.
- Consult the Cosmos Quarterly — Four 60-minute sessions over 12 months to track your annual evolution.
- Consult the Cosmos as a Couple — 90-minute, one-time session in which we explore both your charts and compare/contrast.
- Consult the Cosmos as a Family — 2-3 hour, one-time session (in-person house call, or on Zoom) for the whole family.
- Find Your Birth Time — If you don't know your birth time, we can reverse engineer it using a technique called rectification.
Harmonize your nature with Nature.Â
Ä€yurveda is a timeless system of nature-based medicine that originated in ancient India. It offers a complete paradigm that describes the nature of Nature at every level, connecting the subtle stuff of consciousness to the dense material of biological bodies. Placing special focus on sleep, digestion, libido and circadian rhythms, Ä€yurveda can resolve chronic conditions, address acute concerns, bring ease to an overburdened body and soothe an uneasy mind.Â
I am a NAMA-certified Āyurvedic Doctor with more than 4,000 hours of intensive training and have been in full-time practice since 2018.
 What you get:
- Six sessions over three months
- One 90-minute initial session
- Two 60-minute follow-ups
- Three 30-minute check-ins
- Audio and Video recordings
- Insights into your innate Āyurvedic constitution and current imbalances.
- Personalized invitations and precise home remedies including diet, daily habits, herbal concoctions and nature-based activities.
- Discounts on recommended products.
- Access to a community of seekers for support, accountability and live Q&A sessions with Veda Dave.
- BONUS: Holistic Mental Health Starter Kit ($197 value)
- BONUS: The Essence of Āyurveda & Multi Dimensional Time Management ($297 value)
Befriend Your Internal Family of Planets.
Internal Family Systems is an evidence-based approach to psychotherapy based on the idea that your mind (like your body) is one cohesive whole composed of many parts, each of which is whole unto itself. Your Vedic Astrology chart provides a precise map of these parts, showing which archetypes are likely to show up in specific areas of your life, such as family, romantic relationships or your career. This innovative combination of two powerful modalities provides life-changing insights into your psycho-spiritual constitution and suggests practical strategies for enhanced inner peace, harmonious relationships and skillful conflict resolution.
I completed a six-month "IFS-informed" training in 2020 and am enrolled in the IFS Institute's continuing education program. IFSS is the subject of my forthcoming Doctoral thesis.
 What you get:
- Six 60-minute Zoom sessions
- Audio and Video recordings
- Detailed analysis of your Vedic Astrology chart as a map of your psyche.
- Skillful IFS-informed counseling and guidance into the depths of your mind and imagination.Â
- Simple, impactful practices to befriend your inner critic, nurture your inner child and harmonize your internal family of parts (planets).
- Profound insights into the universal archetypes seeking to live uniquely through you and nature-based invitations to bring their gifts to life.
- Access to a community of seekers for support, accountability and live Q&A sessions with Veda Dave.
- BONUS: Holistic Mental Health Starter Kit ($197 value)
- BONUS: Introduction to Internal Family Solar Systems and Non-Violent Communication ($297 value)
Step through the Portal.
Natural human development moves through a predictable but infinitely unique series of transformations that mark the progression from one phase of life to the next. Western culture has abandoned many of these practices, but humans still innately, if unconsciously, long for the explicit acknowledgement and celebration of important personal evolutions. There are time-honored practices that anyone can use to honor the major and minor junction points in their journey.
Whether it's a driver's license, a marriage or divorce, a new job, retirement or anything in between, a personalized rite of passage is a powerful way to move into your new role with clarity, grace and gratitude.
I have trained as a Wild Mind Guide with the Animas Valley Institute, and spent many years living in ashrams and spiritual communities enacting and guiding a variety of ceremonies, both traditional and ad hoc.
 What you get:
1:1 Consultation — We begin with a 60-minute initial session to explore what sort of ceremony you're seeking and your goals and intentions for the experience. We'll discuss the possibilities and make a plan to determine what sort of support would be of benefit moving forward.
Active Participation — You will have me as a resource throughout the whole process. You will have access to me via text email and however many Zoom calls it takes whenever a major decision or minor question arises. We will mutually agree on the appropriate extent of my participation.
Resources & Reading — In addition to direct guidance, I will suggest outside resources to support your process. This might include mythological stories that mirror your circumstances and take you deeper into this transformative experience, or it might be information about the archetypal structure of an impactful ceremony, so that you can make major and minor rituals a consistent part of your personal evolutionary practice.
Build a Cabin.
You've been in business for how many years? The real question is: have you been building your business for that long? Or have you been running the same one-year cycle over and over?
My mentor Tad Hargrave talks about the difference between a tent and a cabin — a tent is portable, quick to set up and take down, and doesn't require many resources. Meanwhile, a cabin takes more time, effort and resources to build. However, a cabin can keep you warm in winter, and you can host dinner parties, which is not so pleasant in a tent.
When it comes to your business, you want to live in a sturdy, spacious, well-decorated cabin. And: to create such a dwelling starts with a detailed blueprint, a specific set of tools and consistent, organized effort over time.
I'm a lifelong entrepreneur born into a family of entrepreneurs. I've made (and continue to make) many useful mistakes, learned from many masters and love to help others create beautiful delivery systems for their soul-level gifts.
 What you get:
1:1 Consultation — We begin with a 60-minute initial session to explore where you're at and where you want to go. We'll discuss the possibilities and make a plan, determining what sort of support would be of benefit moving forward.
Active Participation — This is a hands-on process. Our 1:1 sessions will involve some theory but lots of concrete practices and task completion. You will have me as a resource via text, email and Zoom throughout the whole process.
- Resources & Reading — In addition to direct guidance, I will suggest outside resources to support your process. This will include perspectives and practices sourced from my mentors, special webinars and YouTube series as well as books and podcasts.
- Access to a community of seekers for support, accountability and live Q&A sessions with Veda Dave.

When you're ready...
The Self-Mastery Mentorship is a year-long 1:1 program integrating all of the above modalities to up-level our life in every way. We will excavate, examine, expand and deepen into your soul purpose and ideal Self-expression. After this intensive year of healing and wholing, you will move through the world with greater clarity, confidence and the courage to be who you were born to be.
Learn More about the Self-Mastery Mentorship ProgramThe Church
of Cymatics
This website, and everything offered here, is an expression of The Church of Cymatics, a faith-based organization devoted to collective evolution through conscious cultivation of personal and planetary harmony.
Click Here to Learn More about The Church